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RE: The leprechauns are even expanding more

I think you are actually very right on this! Mea culpa because that wasnt the intention at all

This went into a whole different story and indeed has nothing to do with the weekend style. Trying to change communities but that aint working.You may downvote as you please!


I'm not going to downvote it. I wanted to bring to your attention that it has nothing to do with a weekend experience. Maybe read the posting guide I have pinned at the top of the community feed as it will let you know what's expected.

It's not really that difficult. The clue is in the community's name:

Weekend experiences.

Your posting guidelines are very clear actually so totally the brain fart on my behalf. Wont happen again!

No worries, I'm looking forward to some posts if you feel so inclined. All the best for the weekend.