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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 48: Someone special

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

Omg, like I am almost in tears as I read your comment. Happy tears, of course.

I travelled 12000km to find her

😳 You did? I think that says all I need to know. When someone means that much to you, you should go to any length to get them.

....she always find the right words to get through me...I am not the most pleasant person to be around, but she always find the right words to get through me.

Shows she's just for you and you for her. No matter our personality, people may distance themselves but there will always a select few that would stay attached to us, no matter what. Such that others will ask them, "what do you see in her or him that you are close to her/him?"

BTW, where's @dandays? Quit hiding and come say hello 😆


My moonwalk is on point! I even did a front moonwalk. Ooh!! It's a good time for spin moves, when isn't it a good time for spin moves?! I can't help it.. It's in the song.

Twirl-twirl-dip. Tap-tap-tap-dip

😅 Love is certainly in the air! Hehehe, I see you found your gif.

Who is your special one? Tell us.

That was a one time for you. 😉 I would have to leave out too many people to name just one.