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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Christmas party for 150 orphans! And you made their day filling them with lots of food, care and love. I say that's a great day. No wonder you regard it as one of your best days.

Helping others, putting smiles on their faces especially at Christmas fills us too with joy in return. Most times, it's not all about what we can get but about what we can give.

About repeating mistakes, lol, I thought I was the only one. Indeed we learn from bad days. Thanks for sharing your story with us 🙂


The mistakes that we make my friend is that we think that the world revolves around us.
It doesn't and in the Gestalt, we are smaller than a grain of sand.
Now, a grain of sand does not know the word pide or greed, as it simply blends in with all of the other grains of sand.
Greed should be replaced by the blessing of giving and pride should be replaced with humility. Add love to this and we will have a potent mixture that can heal many problems in this strife torn life.

Thank you and my pleasure to share.