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RE: A Watermelon Weekend

Hey, I got a little veggie garden I share with my Tenant, she does most of the work since I am rather too busy at full time everything so she gets the lions share. My growing season is a few weeks later but my Spaghetti squash and Zucchini are going well. Have a Pumpkins at softball size already. Beans with still a ways to go, late planted.

How does Molly help?


Wow! Sounds like you have quite the garden as well. I love spaghetti squash but haven't planted any in years. I do like the yellow squash and tend to cut that thin and Grillet. Just about when it's done I sprinkle some Mrs. Dash and add cheese. That's a nice relationship you have with your tenant. You both share in the work and split the proceeds accordingly. That's the way to do it. If I can only convince my neighbors to do the same thing that would be great then there would be more people tending to it and sharing in the harvest. I'll have to mention it to them again and see if they are interested in that for next year. 😁