Weekend - Engagement: WEEK 206


Good evening dear hivers, I hope you had a restful and happy weekend. Below I share with you my participation in interesting questions from our friend @galenkp... I bid you a happy beginning of the week.

You are first-on-scene at a vehicle wreck, the car is on fire and inside is two children, the driver is dead. There's no help around and you only have the time to save one - How do you make your choice, which do you choose and how would it effect you later knowing you only saved the one?

I must confess that this question was not easy to answer, before doing so I imagined I was one of the children, then I put myself in the place of the parents and finally in the place where it corresponded to me which was being the witness of the accident. Although one never knows how one is going to react to this type of situation, knowing my personality I can respond by getting a little closer to that reality... In case I had the time against me and there was the possibility of saving only one of the children, I would undoubtedly choose to save the child who was in the most accessible place and close to the exit, since this gives me the possibility to take advantage of the little time I have to get the rescue. I would never stop to think about which of the two children is more vulnerable, nor would I think about the age of each one to decide which one has more priority in the rescue. I consider that at that moment the important thing is to save a life, taking into account that it is impossible to save both children, I would focus all my energy and stamina on concentrating on helping the child I decided to save, at that moment I would be mentally focused on achieving my goal. I would focus all my attention on him, while encouraging the one who stayed in the car, there is always hope and somehow I would give him reasons to keep calm and faith, I think these two feelings should never be lost, we must keep them in our being until the last second of our life.

As for how this situation would affect me in the future thinking that I only managed to save one child, knowing my optimistic personality, I would approach this circumstance in a positive way. I would feel proud of my bravery, since I risked my life to save another life, on the other hand I would think of the joy of the parents of these children, that although one of the children passed to another plane, the parents will have a miracle of life that they can continue to enjoy. I would never think that I did not have the ability to save the two lives, I would give a nice color to the story, I would transform black into white, thinking that when we have empathy with the next person we can achieve incredible feats!


We published about the same topic only one hour apart. I agree with you on many things here, it is interesting to have written about it and to know another perspective.