WEEK 183. When I travel to the bush.

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago (edited)


When I travel to the bush.

For many years I have been able to live without my cell phone for more than 4 days, it seems unbelievable, but yes, just as I am writing it, this event only happens when I am at my in-laws house, it turns out that my in-laws live four hours away, from the city where I live with my wife and daughters, every year in December when we travel to visit them and spend Christmas with them, we are disconnected, our phones lose signal.

The title of my post says, when I travel to the bush, every time we are getting ready to travel, I always tell my wife, everything is ready, we are going to the bush, it may sound a little derogatory, but she knows I say it as a joke, because honestly I like to go to my in-laws house, believe it or not that is precisely why, I get disconnected from the world with respect to the cell phone.

In this beautiful town, which is very small, there are only 10 or 12 streets and almost all of them are dirt roads, none of them are paved, because in this town there is no smart phone signal, there are only wired phones, somehow we are not so isolated, but I don't use the phone at my mother-in-law's house for anything.

The best of all is that this house is big, and I like it when we travel to that town because it is very quiet, you can only hear the roosters very early in the morning, and sometimes I hear the cows mooing, but you can also hear the cows when they eat.

I think that being disconnected does not represent for me or for my daughters and my wife any difficulty, since we are all together and that is more than enough, I know where my daughters are, and it is with us.

The advantages are endless because those days we are more together, my daughters love it, I always take them to walk through all those paddocks and walk all over that farm, and when they are disconnected as I am, we enjoy the moment together more.

I think that being disconnected is good, sometimes it is necessary, to have a little peace of mind, not depending on the cell phone is usually very beneficial, being disconnected is not a problem for me, besides, I forgot to comment that sometimes in my own home in the city I have been without using the cell phone, when we do not have electricity for more than 24 hours.

What do you think about being disconnected from your cell phone, how long can you be without your cell phone?


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"In constant evolution" .



Ah I can understand what you are saying like presently this is what I am going through. It's kinda tough being without internet for days. It would be a big disaster for me.
But you guys pulled through