An Unplanned Trip Is Always the Best


Sometimes the best road trip is the unplanned one. Who can say no to all things "free"—a free ride, free food, and just sitting in the back of the car singing your heart out? That's what my brother asked when he asked if we wanted to go to the beach, and we immediately said yes. I can remember saying to my cousin, "What if the three of us went out for a ride?" and it literally happened.



Up until that point, I had never fully experienced my brother's driving skills. And... I got motion sickness, something I never do when my father is driving. Hahaha, my brother is a bit of a wild driver. He was very worried about me because whenever we go out I always sit in the passenger seat next to the driver so I never get car sick., I let my cousin sit next to him which I regret a lot.




So we arrived at our first destination, FOOD TRIP! In my opinion, the best part of the trip. We spent an hour there before heading to the beach. which I am excited about. I've told them we should go there after the new year. which never happened, and we fulfilled that plan, but... the thing is, we didn't see the sunset because that day was cloudy. LOL



For the food honestly, they didn't taste good at all the drinks I gave it an 8. The chipotle burger tasted completely vinegar overpowering all the chicken, honestly all of it. Maybe the other menu tastes good? We will return again with our parents so I still give them a chance.



This place is good for college students who have a lot of vacancies in their classes and just hang out there, I miss college days. Sometimes if we only have a half-day class we just go to the mall or sometimes if we get crazy enough we go to the beach just to take photos.



We arrived at the beach. It was cloudy that day we were supposed to wait for the sunset but we just ate there and walked a little bit. As we are walking. I remembered the place little by little. It's been years since I came here.



The one thing I want to experience is staying overnight and waking up with beach waves and wind hitting my whole soul. Which I am going to experience soon.



The waves and pretty strong that day. My cousin thought he was not gonna wet from the wave but he thought wrong. I'm confused when he suddenly goes straight to the water. Hehe. He just wanted to feel the water and it was cold. LOL


There is no chance we will see sunset look how the sky is so cloudy. The only glimpse of sun rays from afar. My brother says every time he goes here he always sees the sun set lucky for us we didn't LOL he laughs at us, maybe next time.





Few people came that day so walking is relaxing. You can smell the beach because of the strong wind and I love looking at the trees that dance in the wind.



Just looking at the wave trying to reach you is so tempting to just let your feet wet.




It's important to relax and spend time with your family in order to strengthen your bonds with them. I am aware that despite sharing a house, you occasionally forget to communicate and just want to be alone. But sometimes you're just talking about something humorous that happened in the past and you don't realize you've been talking for hours.

I realize my parents are not young anymore, and my siblings are getting older maybe in the next ten years they will have their own families and be busy with everything. I treasure this kind of memory.

This is your sign to spend time with your family. :))

Thank you for stopping by.




what is planned usually fails to go. It's really fun if a family invites us to go, especially since it's free for us. have a nice day

Oh that's is true based on my experiencex, if you feel like going just go it is more exciting than the plan one. Hihi.

Oh my, I remember this beach, I was a frequent visitor to this beach when I was young. It has been a long time since the last time that I saw it.

Right! It's been a while for me too. We used to go here when we went on family outings. You should visit this beach again. :)

I will, if I have some time to spare.