Egg gone bad

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Sometimes don't be that trusting.

I remember my experience back when I was young. It is part of the school to conduct camping. Each level are divided into groups/teams. A camping will then be held either in the school grounds or some place else. This is a week-long event. It includes a lot of activities mostly religious ones since we are a sectarian school.

There is a morning devotional and evening devotional. Each group is assigned a time wherein they will conduct a program. We have to wake up before the sun rises to prepare ourselves for the devotional.

Aside from that, each group designates those who will do the cooking. We are not allowed to bring any stove or burner. We have to cook using firewood. We are being taught basic survival skills. Most of which I forgot since I haven't been applying it such as knot tying, Morse code and Semaphore Flag Signal (I even have to Google that for I forgot the term for it).

What we look forward to are the competition. There are physical ones like obstacle courses. There are also treasure hunting. The best of all is the social nights at the end of the week. We present skits or other performances and there are more games.

One of the highlights is the cooking competition. We are to cook for camp bread, cook rice in a bamboo, fry an egg on an oiled paper and cook an egg using mud. Aside from being the first to fulfill all those, the food should be cooked well.

We did all that and we aced them except the egg in mud.

What you do with that is to get a raw egg and cover it with mud to form a shell which will serve as protection and insulator at the same time and then place that in the fire. You have to be certain not to place it in the fire that long and to turn it over to cook the egg evenly. Don't cover the egg to thickly else it will take a longer time to cook.

Each member of the team is assigned a task so someone was tasked to cook the egg in mud. I trusted that person that she did the right thing and did it properly. She then asked me if she can call one of the supervisors to check the egg. I agreed.

To my horror, the mud is still damp when we broke it open. Although the outer shell is dry, but the inner one is still damp and the egg is cooked!

The supervisor then went to the center of the field bringing that egg with him and called everyone and showed it to all. It is obvious that we cheated. How embarrassing!

We have to accept the consequence of that and points were deducted from us.

It was a lesson for us all.

Talking about burning myself, below is a photo of my lunch I had the other day.


That was last of the slices of smoked pork that we bought last week. We fried it. It didn't know it was still hot. The rice was hot took for it was just cooked. I then put Carolina Reaper chili sauce and I have put a lot of sauce. Look how red it was!

I guess I was too hungry that I took a spoonful of those hot food and regretted it terribly. In an instant smoke or was it fire was coming out of all my orifices and I was sweating profusely. I was able to finish my meal with constant wiping of sweat and nose and a lot of blowing out of air lol!

Burned myself not with fire but it felt like it. Surely I will be doing it again. I like torturing myself that way lol!

This is my first time to join in this prompt. I have read an article posting about this community so I decided to join too.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Welcome to my community and the #weekend-engagement concept, also by me.

I appreciate your entry this week, the time you put into it and the fact you used your own photo which I prefer.

Burned myself not with fire but it felt like it. Surely I will be doing it again. I like torturing myself that way lol!

Haha, been there, done that and will do so again. I like your dedication!

(Also, your account will be much more appealing if you use a profile image.)


I live for spicy food lol!

Hmmm I'm not sure why the photo is not showing. I'll look into it.

It looks so hot like a fire! Spicy food and warm rice is the best choice ever.

You said it lol!

WE 96 image (1).png

THE WEEKEND community thanks you for supporting the #weekend-engagement concept week ninety six [WE96] a concept by @galenkp. Have a great weekend.

The image belongs to @galenkp