Week #207| An ice cream solves everything!| I could not make it

Hello users!


An ice cream solves everything!

Being married is not easy, although I understand that marriage is not a bouquet of flowers ha,ha,ha I feel it should not be a battlefield either

I feel that I was able to give the best of me, the support to one thousand percent, I feel that it was given unconditionally, I was able to give my all to get to the end with my partner, but I definitely think that it is better to have a divorced ID card than a widow. In fact, we cannot wait or wish for the death of a loved one in order to be happy


Many friends say that society is hard when you decide to get divorced, but I feel that if the person next to you wants to enjoy other company we should be condescending and let the other be happy, because if you are happy alone or with someone else we should give that help to our love of life ha,ha,ha,ha


I only give my opinion from my personal experience, I can't understand if someone wants to be with several people, to be able to live, to enjoy going out, I don't understand the reason to stay married and tormenting another being to be well, that is, you want to eat the cake, but have the cake left. It is better to make up your mind and balance your emotions because you can be in a tremendous dilemma, where no one wins anything, you only work in loss


I quit for my physical and mental health. I would have won a cancer or possibly another disease, I do not justify people who hold on until death do them part, sometimes the partner can advance that death

I hope that everyone agrees to join as a couple, that they can give themselves to each other and be very happy


A big hug to all the couples in the world and may God bless your union!

This week I was left with this suggestion:

What have you tried but given up on in life. Explain it, why you gave up and how you would have gained from it, and what you lost by not following through. Remember to use your own photos.


All images are my property. My signature with Canva application



Amo los helados amiga @lisfabian

El aliado perfecto amiga @mafalda2018 ja,ja,ja