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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 164

It's a rather curious remark you make though.

Really? It's just I was reading through the topics... Conversation, I hate speaking to people on the plane so I need to think how to get out of the situation. Then the next four are all about making tough decisions.

Then going back to the beginning of your post again, I thought something not nice had happened leading to these profound subjects.

Good to hear all is good!


I'd never relate topics here to something of that magnitude if it had occurred in my life, which fortunately it never has. If it did I doubt I'd be in much a mood to be posting anything on Hive at all for some time to come and wouldn't divulge something so personal anyway.

I just wanted to make people think is all...I've done easy topics lately and figured I'd mix it up.

I'm hoping someone tackles the kill your compatriot topic actually...however I don't think anyone will. Let's see.