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RE: I lost my sense of self because of the patriarchy and now I wear dresses. Here’s an inside look.

I was once asked by someone why I care about supporting SOGIE rights and I often tell the story that I witnessed someone get beat up in school during high school. I identify as a cis-man and as an ally.

I studied in an all-boys school that was tough on the third gender. We had some that actively beat up people just because they identified as gay. So here I was pooping in the bathroom when I hear boisterous laughter as several people come in dragging someone who I could hear sobbing.

They were mocking this person and were smacking him around. Telling him to man up or else they were going to continue to beat him up. This continued on for some time and I just hid there because I was afraid of getting involved.

Eventually it was over and when I peeked out no one was outside. I knew the person and yet I did not get involved. I later learned that this person dropped out from school and I never saw him again.

It was not an isolated case though as this continued on with other people and like most we turned a blind eye. Even the school said it was just boys being boys. I think I found my voice on this matter when I moved to college. I got more vocal about this.

I joined organizations and while I can't say that I know everything I do try to learn as much as I can. I try to keep an open mind.

I am so thankful of what you shared and we all hope that people can be more kind and understanding.

We will continue to lend our voices and fight for the rights of everyone. SOGIE rights includes all.


"Boys being boys" - sadly, everyone is negatively affected by the patriarchy. It could lead to violence and your story is one of them. It's nice to hear that you found your voice, ako rin nung college lang din.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate that you're an advocate as well 😊💜