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It is a fun and adventurous event. But we only buy two types of fruit and one type of vegetable.

At the moment, I can't think of making a new dish, but I will update you about the birthday party booking that wants us to prepare 4 types of food. 😉😉😉

Another busy week for me, and I hope you will have a magnificent week as well.


Sorry about the stress ahead
Mame sure you have your rest after then

Even though it's going to stress me out, it's worth it. 😍😍😍
The outcome of all the hard work can be delightful and satisfying.

Wow I'm glad you understand that
But don't break down trying to over work yourself

No need to worry,@graciousvic.
I'll be more cautious and will always choose my health over money. Health is more important to me because we can find money once we are in good health. Now, I always try to maintain a healthy physical and mental state.

Good you know that 😊