“I wish I had someone with whom I could…”// Weekend-engagement | week°152

Hello, my name is Merlys, it's the first time I've published in this community, I hope it's well received and if I have an error I'd love to hear it so that I can improve little by little.



"I wish I had someone with whom I could go for a walk, observe the sky and talk about everything a little" It is a phrase that is almost always present in my head. I long to have someone to hang out with and connect with for a while, since sometimes I feel alone.

I love going for a walk because for me it is an activity that allows me to connect with nature or my environment and release the stress that I accumulated during the day or the week, it is also a very good way to exercise and combat a sedentary lifestyle. If I add someone's company to this, better if it's someone I love, the experience becomes even better and it's a very pleasant moment because it also helps not to feel alone.


I also name talking with a friend, and it is very nice to talk about many different topics, share experiences and thoughts and have a person listen to us and be able to listen to him as well. When I talk about a good talk, personally, it is something that also helps me to better process my emotions and, if I ask for advice, to find alternatives or solutions to the conflicts of daily life. Communicating after all is a human need.

I also adore observing and taking pictures of the sky because I love how its colors look, the clouds, the stars, the moon and everything that is in it. It is very beautiful and interesting. Whenever I can I take a lot of pictures, I love photographing sunsets above all. I add to the visual happiness of observing the sky, that this generates a feeling of peace, an immense peace and it also helps me to release a little stress and reflect.
So, if I manage to combine a good talk with a friend, with a walk, and with appreciating the sky, I can obtain a lot of peace of mind and a very pleasant situation, something that I would not change for anything. I have done this many times on different occasions and people but I wish I could do it much more often.


However, although I want it to be more frequent, this is sometimes difficult as many friends are busy, maybe some are not very enthusiastic about walking or just don't like to talk much. These are things that sometimes prevent it and I wish it weren't like that. And although walking and seeing the sky while alone is also not a bad thing, feeling someone's company is much better.



This has been all, the photographs are my property and I edited them with the Picsart app. See you later 🖤


I think occasional or even daily walks are a must for several reasons. You named a few in your post. I hope you can find someone to walk with you.

True, there are many more reasons why these walks are important, I've just named a few. I hope so, thanks for your comment.

Oh hopefully you can find someone to walk with you, so you can have someone to talk to while walking. In my case my son is always my walking buddy.

Greetings! Thanks, that's what I want. How cute, sometimes son's are the best company, I'm glad he accompanies you

Yes he always do. In fact sometimes he is the one who wants to have a walk

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Your photography skills are on point.I really hope you find someone who loves the same thing as you and has time.I do take a walk alone sometimes but some other time with my spouse.

Thank you for your comment, I find it cute that your spouse is accompanied by sometimes, it must be a nice moment for you.

Yes it is.

It's a good thing you listened to your parents and joined the choir because that's when you started to gain confidence in yourself.❤️🤗🤗🌹

As time goes by, people stop having time to walk and talk with their friends, it's sad, I hope soon you can find someone to look at the sky and talk to frequently 😊

It's such a different experience when we walk with others and when we do we tend to talk more freely as well as we are less in our heads.
I really hope that you find someone special to go on walks with soon xxx