I Call It My "Torture Hike" - 12h LIDO, Vienna

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Hello dear Hivers and Weekend Lovers!

My post is about the torture (LOL!) hike I made last weekend. It's all about the great LIDO hiking trail last Sunday/June 18, 2023... it is a 50 Km walking trail in the districts of Floridsdorf (the 21st District) and Donaustadt (22nd District). LIDO means Links der Donau/lit. Left of Danube, organized by the city of Vienna. The two districts have larger areas among the whole of the city of Vienna. We call these two, the Transdanubian Districts because they are located to the left of the Danube River and can only be reached by bridges. The program is a 12 hour-Hike and a roundabout of the outskirts of the city including a trail at the Donau Auen National Park.

Donauinsel teil.jpg

When I heard about the hike 3 weeks before, I knew I would participate no matter what the weather will be. Luckily the forecast had been no rain. It was a sunny day and very humid and the walk started at 8:00 AM and should have ended at 8:00 PM. The participants were given a Stamp Pass and a Trail Map. Along the way, there are LIDO station people that would stamp the pass for each achievement. There is no prize, just experience the fun of walking. It's a purely leisure adventure since there are so many things to discover along the way. One need not make the 50 Km walk either, just keep on moving for one´s health.


The night before, I prepared enough water for the walk, froze a container full of ice cubes, a bottle of frozen mineral water, a sandwich, a banana, 2 Skyflakes crackers and an apple and of course a sunscreen of 50 LSF. I had a backpack with a face towel because it was humid on that day. I knew I needed them badly because there were no stores around the trail.


I started at past 8:00 AM around the Donauinsel station of the Underground train U1 near the DC Towers. I was given a trail map and a stamp pass, which one may have a stamp as soon as a designated area is reached.



The route is along the New Danube which is a still body of water, where locals and tourists alike go for a swim. The New Danube is a manmade body of water parallel to the Danube River (flowing) and had been excavated in the 70´s. The purpose of which had been to protect the city from flooding when the snow in the Alps melted. Now the New Danube and the Old Danube have become a leisure area for the locals and their families especially over the weekend.


The heat on that day was bearable since it was still early. Some of the young participants went ahead of me and I noticed that my distance from them is getting longer and longer, they were striding so energetically until they disappeared from my eyes. Me, I was taking my time, so I wouldn't collapse along the way (...LOL!).


Passing by a big train bridge, I saw a Pile full of graffities, was just wondering how these graffiti artists made their way to paint the top as there was no platform to stand their feet onto.


The birds were so plentiful in this area at this time of Summer, sometimes one could see them in the Old Danube joined by other birds that are going back to their habitat in other lands.


The Church on top of the Kahlenberg hill is my guide to reach where I was supposed to turn right on the way to Strebersdorf, then to the vineyards of Bisamberg.


The bridge on the right and below is the connecting bridge to reach the area where the Cherry Blossoms Festival is held in April of each year sponsored by the Japanese Embassy and City of Vienna. I was here last April, but the Festival was canceled due to the rain.


I might look so fixed and foxy in the picture because it was darn hot and humid. But I was determined to go on with the hike.


I went further in the middle of the bridge so I could get nice images of the view of the Donauinsel/lit. Danube island towards the northern side of Vienna.




I have reached the area parallel to the Kahlenberg and about to pass a small bridge. Then, I took a shot of the highway (below) going to Lower Austria.


On The Way to Marchfeldkanal

This is the trail used by hikers and bikers on the way to the northernmost part of Floridsdorf. It has an amazing biker's trail along the Marchfeldkanal for many kilometers that could reach the borders and districts of Lower Austria.


The Marchfeldkanal

The Route to the Vineyards of Bisamberg

A very narrow road full of cellars....on its top is usually the owner´s vineyard, they cultivate the grapes and produce wine which they offer to the public on their own terrace or garden.


There are so many wine cellars along the way, some are very old and not in operation anymore, either the owners have died and the children do not want to continue the process of wine making. I took some snapshots of few. It is very hard to own land here because of the restrictions and laws.

wine cellars at Bisamberg, Vienna.jpg

The vineyard


AT LAST.......can´t go on further!


The last leg of my hike... at this station, the organizers provided entertainment with a live band. I came here when the other younger generations just left for the next leg of the trail in the direction of Stammersdorf. Oh boy, I was really slow! I needed to rest, eat my sandwich and drink enough water to hydrate after a long journey. Good that they provided clean public toilets .


The downhill road, a shortcut to the bus station?

I decided to stop right here and longed for my bed after 4 long hours of my journey....Although it was really a shortcut road, I was damned, because going down is even harder than going up. My toes were pressured because my weight kinda fell on them while descending, the road´s downhill is steep... My only consolation was the view of the city from the top.




The "Torture" Trail Map

It has been two days now and I am still feeling my sore leg muscles and toes. But I think it has done me good. Well, I do it for my immune system. If I only think about the early months after my husband's passing, I´ve had weak muscles and almost couldn't walk properly because my knees were trembling and unstable. In this hike trail I walked for about 18K kilometers and spent a total of 4.26 hours and my great achievement is the 27K+ Steps which I never in my life have achieved before.


18K KMs.jpg

Total Steps.jpg

Will I make such an adventure again? Maybe, if I have a more recovered and stable leg muscles, I will do the "torture" again for the sake of improving my health conditions and immune system.

My best wishes to all for the rest of the week and for the coming weekend. Thanks for reading this far and I hope to see you again in my next blog.


6. GIF by @Gremayo.gif

GIF by @gremayo
Original text and all images by @mers

Sounds awesome. Never heard about it.

Hahaha... maybe awesome for the younger generations, but for an old aged woman like me, lololol, maybe way too much! Maybe I´d better do a shorter distance walk. Thanks!

How to be you? I can't imagine how you did it.

Don't you even try it, it is so painful for the legs..maybe just an hour of walk will do.

That was quite a feat....27,399 steps! Congratulations! I can hardly reach my 6,000 daily goal😊

I also do my walking routine at 5K but it is only when I do errands. I do the stand bike at home when the weather is bad. Thanks for visiting!

What a wonderful walk, I loved the beautiful places you visited

 last year (edited) 

Glad you liked the sceneries! Thanks a lot, appreciate that you drop by.

What a wonderful experience, beautiful landscapes and places, walking for 12 hours, it must be very, very tiring, but I bet it was worth it and it's very healthy

The hike was meant for 12 hours in total but I only made it for 4.5+ hours .. my legs and feet were complaining already...lol! Thanks for dropping by.

Oh my gosh! Congratulations! You did walk for 4 hours? What a stamina, your knees are still good ha...

Yes, the stamina was there but my leg muscles are sore, almost couldn't walk from the torture.

Oh wow! That's a lonnggg walk! But with those beautiful view on the way, I wouldn't mind. 😊 I glad you finished the "torture" lol

Hahaha ..nicely said. Thank you.

Well done for finishing that 50km hike ate @mers. You did great!

I only made the 18+K..otherwise I would have been dead and collapse..hahaha..your lolay is old already! Lol!

Wow the photos are so beautiful I love the amazing pictures of nature. Great blog 👍

Many thanks! Glad you like this post. Appreciate you dropping by.