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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 163

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

The CS Lewis quote is deep. Eventually we need to metamorphosis, either into a good bird or a bad egg.

Maybe this will cheer you up, maybe not. My weekend started Thursday. I took a couple days off and went north and west to get out of the heat. It's a little cooler here than the city, especially in the morning. I'm in a little island farm village close to North Korea.

Bad news is I don't get much wifi here and I have to back at work Monday. Good news is it's the weekend now.







It's great to have a long weekend now and then and I think it's not a bad thing to have no wifi; disconnecting for a while isn't a bad thing.

Keep an eye on the north mate, if you spot anything unusual call 911. Lol.

Keep an eye on the north mate, if you spot anything unusual call 911. Lol.

That's funny. I got an emergency message warning everyone on the island not to open any packages in the mail yesterday. I don't know what that was about, but I'm safe at home and back to work. I do like the speed of wifi here.


Hmm, an odd message to get, someone knew something I guess though. I wonder if there was that one guy who was like,won't happen to me...


Luckily curiosity hasn't killed any kats here today. Good luck on this weekend's post. !LUV

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That stunning sapphire beetle in your second photo sent a signal that it's dying to tell the story of its side gig being a North Korean nipple tweaker! @mineopoly @galenkp

Hahaha !LOL

I have an addiction to taking inventory at the blacksmithing shop.
We all have our vices.

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