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RE: Weekend-Engagement: Two Songs that are special to me

Awesome post. I really love that get up and go attitude. So many people make excuses why they can do something or go anywhere. I have many regrets myself for not moving more.

Japan is great, cool that you were there for 3 years. I was a month there and loved it. It was crazy expensive though!

Bob Marley has got to be one of those great musicians and inspirational people of all time. I think it is a shame that people didn't get up and stand up for their rights for the last 2 years. I've never been so disappointed and saddened in my life.


I totally here you @mypathtofire - I am also disappointed but I am still a bit hopeful for humanity. I was watching football with my son and was thinking "give them bread and play" and wondering what it would take for those passionate spectators of mostly men to get passionate about our current state of affairs. Sigh

I've never been so embarrassed and ashamed (for them) seeing grown men wearing their masks to go shopping and things.