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RE: Four Criminals And One Bulldog

Ahhh, such amazing pictures! I love this, Elizabeth. Very beautiful and joyful post. Vibrant and lively. The restrictions in your country are absurd, to be honest, but I'm glad you're willing to sidestep them for your own wellbeing. Much love and blessings!


You've been curated by @drrune for Natural Medicine's curation project aimed at supporting a spiritual life, including gratitude and kindness practices, yoga & all kinds of meditation, shadow work and living a life of meaning.


Thanks, yah some restrictions just don't make sense. I'm all for protecting ppl from harm, but they rather lock everyone up instead of investing in the health care system which they have ruined in the past legislative periods. As long as hospitals are privatized companies only there to satisfy the shareholders and to make profit, as long as patients are money machines and customers instead of patients, as long as health care workers are getting paid shit, nobody should tell me with whom to meet and when to be at home. People are not stupid, I isolated myself for a year now, lost my job and perspective, all to protect people. But the government is doing shit since a year, besides enriching themselves with dubious mask deals etc.