[WE105] Weekend-Engagement concept - The recognition of our actions.

Since I was a child, I was taught that you have to help other people without expecting anything in return, as I grew older I learned that this was the concept of altruism and that it also involves a very important value, generosity.

Of course, depending on how we behave with other people, we deserve recognition for our actions to a greater or lesser degree.


In fact, as human beings we need the respect and affection of those around us, being there where that sincere recognition, called gratitude, towards our person would be implicit.

By being valued at home, by my friends and by my work group, I feel recognized and therefore my self-esteem is strengthened.

I think that it is not necessary for others to recognize that I am a person who does things well, because if so, what I show is insecurity. If there is any public or private recognition, I accept it with the greatest possible humility, and always with the intention of improving as a person.

In the 90's I had an exemplary banking and financial training through a training course for Financial Executives in a very respected bank in Venezuela called Banco Caracas, this training allowed me to apply my knowledge in another financial entity and train other credit analysts to perform their work in a more technical way, covering the commercial areas, vehicle financing, mortgage financing, and consumer credit.I also learned something very important, it is essential to work as a team and not to be selfish with the knowledge acquired, it is necessary to transmit it to achieve a common objective.


This work was very rewarding for me because I was able to impart knowledge, I acquired skills in public speaking, and I helped many of my colleagues to perform their jobs in the bank in a more professional manner. I did it in a selfless way without expecting anything in return, I gained a very good reputation within the financial institution, and I became a reliable person within the institution. I also made very good friends who recognized my work with appreciation, affection and good treatment, with that I felt, and I feel sufficiently satisfied.


I was able to demonstrate in a very short time my management in financial matters, which resulted in a departmental meeting in which my work was recognized by the Area Vice-President and I was promoted from Business Officer to Manager of the Consumer Credit Department.

This recognition helped me to grow within the financial organization and personally generated more self-esteem and motivation. However, some people who thought they were worthy of the position hindered my management.

I was criticized for my work thanks to this public recognition, however, with my skills and after some time I demonstrated with facts and productivity that I was suitable for the task entrusted to me. If a person believes they can do a job better than another they should act and not just rely on words and assumptions. I have never really cared about what people say if I know internally that I am doing the right thing and to the best of my ability.


In the event that the person wants to show gratitude I prefer it to be in private and value the advice or help received. Many times when gratitude or recognition is public it can create friction between other people who believe they deserve as much or more recognition than me and have not yet been given, and in the case of the workplace co-workers tend to think that the boss favors some employees and not others.

Thank you for reading my post, and I welcome any criticism you may have, best regards to all and happy weekend.

This is my entry to the initiative [WE105] Weekend-Engagement concept Link Here

Private or public recognition

On occasions when you help others or do positive things for them, do you like or expect public recognition or do you prefer private thanks or gratitude? Explain why in both cases and give an example.


I too prefer private recognition as a rule. Congratulations on your work achievements, what I found is that you will always have people trying to hinder and sabotage you, I just put it done to jealousy and it proves to me that I am doing the right things!
Thanks for sharing this and enjoy your weekend:)

We agree, envy exists everywhere, many people are used to achieve their goals without making any effort, I think all this comes from negative values that are instilled in you from a very young age at the family level. Thanks to you for commenting, this feedback is very important for me. Greetings and Happy Weekend!

Yes I think so, we just all need to be positive instead! Have a good one:)

I mirror your views, I think that some people that want public recognition only do it to bolster their ego, although in my opinion it is a rather shallow way of living if that is what you are striving for.

In the current technological climate, with the various social medias around, people are continually vying for attention - it doesn't make sense to me personally, but it's been proven now that it's due to the dopamine that people get from receiving accolades. It's a slippery slope unfortunately and people seem to be doing things for completely the wrong reasons.

A big ego leads a person to believe that he or she is superior to the rest and is very conceited, always believing that he or she is right and will not tolerate other people's triumphs.

Particularly, I prefer the good treatment and kindness to the fact that they are praising me continuously, happiness is not only in this type of recognition. If the people around me are satisfied and have a good attitude and aptitude, I am satisfied and they transmit me well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, in the day to day many are not satisfied and we must make use of empathy and other values that we have accumulated in our lives. A big greeting, and thank you for reading my post. Excellent weekend with your loved ones with lots of health, peace and fun.


Thank you for supporting the original #weekend-engagement initiative conceived by @galenkp and featured in THE WEEKEND community

The image belongs to @galenkp