3 Paces inside The Door

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

3 Paces inside The Door

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Beautiful text to accompany beautiful images. In the words of the philosopher, Eddie Van Halen 'Might as well Jump'

Anyone who quotes Eddie Van Halen has to be legit!

The beginning reminded me of a story by Lester del Rey. I can't pinpoint the name right now, but it's about man capturing God in a faraway future. The way all the interaction is set up took me to that reference.

Ha, ha, ha, ha. My mind isn't closed for understanding stuff I don't believe. I do plenty of delving into myth and religion to understand plenty of the human experience. It is a nice story.

Does it mean you don't like what you wrote? Because that's part of the transition to write fiction. Everything needs a lot of editing and improvement all of the time. I'd rather write an academic paper. Had to do a lot of those and I like researching.

About myths, the important thing to know about them is that they are the first attempts to explain phenomena in human times. Some of them are stories about the beginnings or why something happens or is the way it is. It's a fascinating experience.

There's a YouTube Channel called Crash Course that does an interesting take on how to introduce people to the whole myth thing. It's an amazing work and it gives you some references to start digging more.

he taught her and trained her in many secret ways. Sometimes, the lessons were excruciating and broke her open again and again. He waited patiently for her to heal and begin anew.

After reading the ending about the person embracing their own strength and being their own guide, the above sentence I highlighted made more sense. The guy impacted her and she learned several lessons from him to take on in her own life. Ultimately, she lets go of fear and rekindles with herself.

I am wondering if the fear is the fear of losing the guy or did I misunderstand it and it is something else? Currently, I have two interpretations in mind but I will let you clarify.

hehehhehe so my second interpretation was correct. This was a very beautifully written post btw. The images fall into place too. I see the drops image and I meet again LOL. Also, I feel like I can smell the first image from here. I used to have a very similar looking drawer 🤣 (or a cupboard maybe??)

Something is 'fancy', and eye-catchy about the EDGE one... !discovery 20

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh yes indeedio... I'm on the EDGE here...

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This is a really pleasing piece nineclaws, a nice fiction that reads well, feels comfortable. I like the stepping up to the edge then off it part; that's something so many are unable to do for whatever reason but often it's over that edge where things begin to open up.

Thanks for getting involved.

Oh yeah, you write so terribly. [Australian sarcasm]

Shaddap! You write well. 😁

Also, I've jumped off some cliffs also. A few times. Always seemed to live although there was this one time I went splat at the bottom and died. All good, I just got up, dusted myself off and got on with it.

The question is though, will you jump of "the cliff"?

Depends of circumstances and what or who is at the bottom and how badly I'm needed there.

I've flown a lot. And so we come back to airline food. 😂

What a great story :) !!! Exactly what is he? A ghost or something from another dimension?

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So he looks human???

I have part three done by the way :) https://ecency.com/hive-150329/@wrestlingdesires/discord-among-demons

My pleasure, have some more :)

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I'll save it until I finish engaging :) That's when I let myself browse new posts, and make comments for engaging tomorrow. So far it seems to work better than letting my replies sit for a week because I got involved in reading for too long 😂


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Not sure which I like more, the title or Camphor.

!PLANE (let me know if that doesn't work).