Engagement 204 Without a doubt I choose

in Weekend Experiences29 days ago

Happy weekend to all the hiver of this community, delighted to share with everyone our weekend experiences and participate in the Engagement that are proposed.

The Engagement of this weekend gives us a wide and diverse variety of topics to discuss, I am a faithful passionate about the personality of Mother Teresa of Calcutta so without thinking twice I chose the theme that invites us to choose for a date, between Donald Trump, Beyoncé, James Bond and Mother Teresa.

I thank @galenkp the proposal of this theme, because it is an opportunity to pay tribute to the life and work of this great woman, so no doubt you already know what my choice, the reason is simple: Mother Teresa was an extraordinary figure whose life was marked by selfless dedication to others, compassion, humility and solidarity.

Figures such as Donald Trump, Beyoncé and James Bond represent different facets of fame, power and celebrity. Trump is known for his controversial political and business leadership, he is a symbol of power and arrogance, Beyoncé stands out in the music industry for her talent and charisma, she is a gem and James Bond personifies the archetype of the action hero in popular culture, yet none of them can match the moral and spiritual transcendence of Mother Teresa, whose exemplary life invites us to reflect on the true meaning of existence.

Born in Albania in 1910, she dedicated her life to serving the poor, sick and marginalized in Calcutta, India, through the foundation of the Missionaries of Charity.

Her altruistic work transcended borders and religions, making her a symbol of hope and goodness for millions of people around the world, for which she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work and her message of love and compassion.

Foto de la Visita al campo santo que lleva su nombre en La Habana Vieja

Mother Teresa is a source of inspiration to practice kindness, generosity and compassion in our daily lives, she calls us to be empathetic and transform the world into a place where peace and love reign from the respect and inclusion of all in society.

In the face of the traits of ambition, vanity and superficiality that characterize much of humanity, this great woman shows us that true power lies in love and selfless dedication to others.

A better world is possible, Hive is an example, she shows us how to use social networks with respect promoting personal growth, and positive values in its members, so I take this opportunity to tell you that even if it was not monetized, I would continue creating content in the block chain.

The images are our own. Use the translator DeepL


I'm happy to see people knowing the life of Mother Teresa. Truly an inspiration to everyone. Her deeds and faith when she was still alive always reminded me of having a strong bond with God. 🫶

I love how you choose Mother Teresa out of the choices. Mother Teresa is a kind generous woman I know based on the stories and you chose her, which means, you are also generous at heart. 😊