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RE: Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies.

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

Oh there is no way I could live with believing everything I am told, no more than you could live never able to lie again. Neither is an option, both are equally unliveable with if you ask me. But funny that lying is your superpower. I have to remember that.


But the question is, am I telling the truth when I tell you lying is my superpower?:)

It rings of truth to me, yes I think you are telling the truth.

Of course everything I write on Hive has to be the truth and nothing but the truth as both my brother and a good friend read my blog and are privy to all my little capers and indiscretions.

Well of course everything you put on Hive is the truth and nothing but the truth. It's indelible, so it has to be. Do these people have Hive accounts?

My friend doesn't...I did brother is @robbieretard but he doesn't post anymore.