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RE: How to get rid of stress and pressure? Bring to an end...

in Weekend Experiences β€’ last month

It looks like a cool space! Maybe you can color those wall corners in some different color, just to break the big "white space"... But, I'm far away from being a designer, just giving my 2 cents.. πŸ˜‚

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just giving my 2 cents.. πŸ˜‚

Every opinion and suggestion counts πŸ™‚

Renovation of this conference room is planned, and considering how many holes we punched in the wall, it will probably be soon πŸ˜€
Not to mention how dirty the wall that was behind this black dresser is.
Maybe some thicker wallpaper will stick to it, to reduce sound scattering...
Probably we will change the carpet as well, when these floor ducts will be removed and the installation will go through the floor.
It seems to me that this was just a test, for the other conference rooms we have, which need to be modernized.

Renovation of this conference room is planned, and considering how many holes we punched in the wall, it will probably be soon πŸ˜€

hahahaha... That used to happen when you mounted something big on the wall... 🀣