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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 48: Someone special

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

One person especially comes to mind when I think about someone that is special in my life. That would be my best friend Linda. We don't see each other super often, but it's one of those friendships where you don't have to because you can always just pick up where you left, no matter how much time has passed. We have been friends since high school and have since travelled together, helped each other move, organized a festival together and much much more. I will always remember when I lived on the other side of the country and I was quite lonely, it was a boring town and I didn't have that many friends there. I got a call in the evening that my grandfather had passed away and when I told Linda this she got on the train to see me immediately, no questions asked. I wish for everyone to have a friendship like that!


Aren't those easy, comfortable friendships like this so very valuable! I have a few, people with whom I've been through some very stressful and tragic times and whilst we don't see each other all the time we just pick up where we left off like you and Linda.

It sounds like she's a pretty special friend.

Thanks for stopping by the weekend-engagement topic this week...I believe your first time. Welcome, and have a great weekend.


Thank a lot! Yeah it has been my first time and I have really enjoyed reading all the great stories that people have written here. Thanks for setting this up!

You're welcome and I hope you'll come back in weeks to come. 🙂

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