
Ah yes that's what it is! I love radishes but I don't too often see the Daikon ones at the local grocery stores. I might not be looking for it particularly but I will have to try to now. The radishes give a nice kick to salads for sure.

I think having it pickled sounds great, I'm not sure if I've had many other things besides cucumbers, pickled. Avenue for future exploration for sure.

We have Daikons in Asian stores here in Toronto. But, you can find them in any major retail grocery stores to be honest. We pickle Daikon using mustard seeds and mustard oil for the pungent smell and keeping them safe from infection. It's a traditional way to pickle them with peppers and chillies. There are so many ways to test your tastebuds if you are willing to accept the global food culture 😇

Yeah we have numerous Asian markets, some of my favorite ones are the Cambodian ones I used to go to. Lots of great stuff in there!

I've thankfully had a pretty diverse food upbringing via my friends. Had a lot of Spanish friends and a few Cambodian friends and some others but I've eaten at their places and have had some very interesting things! Thankfully my parents weren't "meat and potatoes" type of people either and we had a lot of different things growing up.

I'll have to pick up a Daikon and give it a try this weekend!