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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 39: Fear

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I have a completely irrational fear of public speaking, I don't get stage fright I just start blurting the most inappropriate things...I get sidetracked easily. Same with going to funerals, I hate going to funerals because I end up in hysterics. People look at you really funny when you get the giggles at a funeral.

Otherwise I guess I'm scared of Stinging nettles, don't ask... I got caught sort on a Hike, Didn't know what the were. Not a good toilet paper leaf. My ass hurts just thinking about it.

Oh yeah, and kittens... I don't trust em. Love cats, but kittens are not to be trusted.


This is a good one...Well, bad, but good from the topic perspective.

I think this is something many fear. I used to, but have done a lot of public speaking I guess, so one gets used to it. I apply the fear gives rise to courage thing and just get it done.

I couldn't do the eulogy at my dad's funeral though, last July. I knew I wouldn't get through it and didn't want it to be a mess. He deserved more than that.

I have seen fear of public speaking render people dumbstruck and distraught. Not a good look, or feel I guess. But then, the giggling...Probably not either depending on the circumstances. 🙂

Re: Stinging nettles - Better you than me.

Re: Cats and kittens - Love them all!

Thanks for dropping in!


Always a pleasure, have a great weekend!

And you too...I may see you around the place. Hope so. Take it easy.


Thaaazzz Right... Kittens.



Aw, what a cute kitten!

Hahaha that's a whole list! The public speaking and funeral once I get, they're kind of in the same public eye, semi-spotlight situation..

But what have Kittens ever done to you??? 🤣

Kittens are gonna take over the world man, they subject you to those cute little eyes, then before you know it you've taken it home, paid hundreds at the vets for injections and shit. Then you go to bed and it sleeps on your head clawing at your eyes.

Nope don't like kittens they must be avoided at all costs unless I want my house to be overrun.

🤣 fair enough! I can see what you mean 🤣.
The cuteness factor is especially dangerous

Yes, they have taken over. And once they take you, there is no coming back.
Lil' Guy & Sammi Cuddles 2019-07-02.jpg

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😂 I love your fears...they crack me up. The funeral thing is great, I bet most of the ones being thrown at with dirt appreciate a good laugh at their funeral. They look from above wondering why cousin Mike or aunt Marry are sobbing when during lifetime they bothered shit about em.

Fear of public speaking is not so irrational... :) I think we all have a bit of that until we learn to control it :)

Hahaha, the second paragraph is hilarious 😂

Oh no, kittens? =^•^= but they are sooooo cute, but I understand, they can scratch :)

Kittens are my Kryptonite.!!

They will bring my big rig to a screeching stop!

This "Lil' Guy" did...

Miracle Kitten Rescue Vid SCreenshot.jpg


OMG, this "Lil' Guy" cutie ginger is so sweet 🤩 and you found it in the middle of a road?

#SaveTheKittens :-)

Happy Caturday 🐈 @krazzytrukker



Lil' Guy Time Out Lovin' (5) 2019-11-03.jpg

Miracle Kitten Rescue Vid SCreenshot.jpg

That screengrab from the dashcam video of the rescue was at the .04 second mark.

If you want to watch the entire video of it, here is a link to my BitTube channel. The Miracle Kitten Rescue

Please ignore me crying out and whimpering like a baby. It is embarrassing, I really thought I was not gonna be able to save the Lil' Guy. But miracles are strange things.

What @rubido says is true in every way. They have mystical powers. LoL

Kittens are this "Super KrazzyTrukkers Kryptonite."

Boss Kitty Sammi Jo Runs Show.jpg

I watched the whole video (but the video stopped at 10:35 and didn't want to load from there..) You can call me crazy now :D Tears came into my eyes at 3:30.. and again with the first attempts to feed him. And yes, a boy, gingers are always boys hehe .funny when he plays with the water.

Poor mama cat :( and just a miracle, how he survived...

I understand about public speaking and maybe I've even messed up a few times, but I don't understand why you should be afraid of kittens hahahaha even though they are used in some horror movies, but in the end they are the cutest.

That's how they get you!
Stage 1 Cuteness,
Stage 2 Draining your bank account
Stage 3 Love and suffocation
Stage 4 World Domination.
Its in the white paper... Honest


You are pretty much spot on.!

I can testify to all of the above.


Hahahahahaha it's even funny. I hope you're not right. It's still not my favorite pet but I do like it.


Yes, those Damn Kittens are EVIL..!


Attack Kitty (2).JPG

public speaking.
a bit relatable. At times can speak in public. But at times my fear of social interaction turns into a fear of public speaking as well.

Hahahahha kittens. I fostered an extremely unpredictable and violent cat that used to attack me when I slept. It actually sent an ex-girlfriend to the hospital! So I do get a little nervous around cats- can't trust em either

Hi @rubido. Gasps. You giggle at funerals? Whatever for? 😄 Funerals are usually solemn and quiet. Best, you don't attend them then.

😂 Kittens are the cutest. Wait, kittens grow to becomes cats. How do you like cats but not kittens? Lol!

I get stage fright too. In my line of work, I make presentations to a group of people most times. It wasn't easy when I started. I'd practice the things I'll say over and over again. Do you do that? I see the people before in my mind and work with the image. I'd even write the speech in small cards and practice them. It then becomes easy when I do actual presentation.

How do you handle your stage fright?

My stage fright is pretty easy to sidestep, I mostly start blurting nonsense if it gets to me so people assume I'm Drunk, so I just make sure to always hold a beer or a drink if I'm speaking in public.

That way If it gets to me I can just pretend I'm hammered 😁

The giggling at funerals is an overactive imagination, Had a long running joke with a buddy who died a few years ago. He always said he wanted to be buried in Lingerie and clown makeup with an open casket. The casket was closed for the service so I couldn't stop Imagining him popping out in that outfit and dancing to thriller on his coffin.

Highly inappropriate but that's an example. so once again couldn't keep the giggles at bay.

Don't go to funerals much....