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RE: Weekend Engagement in 300 words

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

I love béchamel sauces

Sounds like it has been a nice weekend so far. I watch Netflix shows as well (too much). I get a free account with my T-Mobile® cell-phone plan.

I am very fond of white sauces as well. I often make a Béchamel for pastas and potato dishes. Yesterday I forgot about a bag of potatoes I left under the sink. Wondered what the strange smell was in my apartment!

Thank you for sharing your weekend and hope the rest of it finds you and yours safe and happy.


Oh yes the forgotten bags of root crops. At least potatoes can be planted when the long spindly stems start on the potato.

I had to look up that sauce, good to know for when I don't have half and half or heavy cream. I have been enjoying experimenting with the sauce, and soups.