I'm Retiring


In life, a person is truly living when they are trying out new things whether it be traveling to a new place, trying new food, playing a new sport etc. Some of these things that we try, we end up liking and continuing to do them. It goes the opposite way as well where we may not like it and never go back to it again. Today, I want to share something I tried and gave up on.

It goes back to my university days. I had a friend and for this story I will call him J. J was the type of student that went partying every weekend. Honestly, I didn't understand how he was ok getting wasted and blowing more money in one day than I spent in a whole month. J would ask me every week "Hey Shawn, do you want to go clubbing?". It wasn't always these exact words but they were all leading to me saying no I don't want to go clubbing. Honestly, I would consider myself anti-social so I genuinely thought it wouldn't be suitable for me. I would just be wasting my money and time.

Then one day, I gave in. I told him I would give it a try. It just so happened that my dad was away so I wouldn't have to worry about coming back super late and getting questioned on why I was out so late. Anyways, I remember going to that club. At the time, it was called Fuze but currently, the place changed owner and now it's called Gemu if I'm not mistaken. Back to the story, I arrived and texted J letting him know. J got me through the front and inside the club.

The first thing that I saw was a ton of people inside dancing, drinking, smoking and talking. The music was pumping super loud. You could barely hear anything and the most convenient way to talk to someone would be to talk into their ear. The thing that bothered me the most though was the smoking. I don't think smoking should be allowed since it gave a horrible smell. Since I was there, I had to drink. I remember getting a light one with mix of fruit so it was low on the alcohol content. Then I remember there was a big bottle of whiskey or something and they were going around pouring it into everybody's mouth. It came to my turn and damn it tasted horrible. No offense but I just don't enjoy alcohol.

I remember feeling tipsy around 130-2am and I just left and got a ride home. My memory is a bit foggy on what happened after calling a taxi to take me back home. I think I fell asleep on the ride and the driver had to wake me up. Luckily, nothing bad happened to me. After that, I think just passed out on my bed.

The following day, I received a text from J asking what happened to me. I told him I wasn't feeling well and went home. He called me weak since I didn't drink "that much". I honestly didn't drink that much but since that was like my first time drinking, it did feel like a lot for me. I ended up telling J that I didn't like the clubbing life. The music was way too loud and the smell from the smoking was intolerable. I ended up telling him that "I'm retiring from clubbing". J laughed because I only tried it for one day.

Looking back on this experience, I don't regret my decision at all. I think if I continued to do it I may be in a bad situation right now. By bad situation, I mean I could've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and get stuck with drugs or gambling problems. One of J's friends did end up having that issue and I'm lucky it wasn't me. In addition to that, I saved a lot of time and money by not continuing clubbing; I feel it's quite expensive. As for what I could've gained if I continued clubbing, I can't really think of much. I might have gotten better at socializing and I would also have another gang of friends.

That's all for me this week. I hope you have a great weekend. For those curious, I did not try or drink that Hennessy. The Hennessy is a gift that my dad got from his friend and I'm just using it as the thumbnail!

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Not wrong, clubbing is not for everyone but calling it retiring is a little bit too much 😂 this is like sending a kid to a trial class and then the kid decided school life doesn't fit, so the kid stops going.

I wasn't so lucky back in my early teenage years. I was in a band, and everybody is smoking. I took it as peer pressure and started quietly not only practicing pentatonic scales, but making hoops with cigarette smoke as well. It wasn't that bad initially as I only do it during the band meetups. But then later, we going out more often, sitting at the mamaks for non musical discussion, and we "had to" continue smoking in front of other people. It's not a ritual thing, but keep smoking at public places just goes to show how "natural" we are 😂

Before I know it, the habit of finding that after taste slowly eating into my lifestyle. It's like every morning the first thing waking up is finding cigarettes, take a puff with or without a girl sleeping beside me.

I'm not encouraging you to become a smoker. Been there, done ALL that for many decades. Smoking is a totally unnecessary thing in our life. However, whisky is just another beverage. I see them as two different addictions. The only problem is, I have the habit of having whisky on my left hand, and cigarettes on my right. Ever since I have stopped smoking, my whisky doesn't taste as good as they were 😂 I don't remember how I used to put myself on the ground or driving my car up the wall anymore. Life became so miserable, without those miserable things that make my days miserable 🤣

calling it retiring is a little bit too much

But I haven't gone to a club since then xD. really retired wei.

sending a kid to a trial class and then the kid decided school life doesn't fit, so the kid stops going.

But this one no choice mah by law the kid need to go to school ? at least until 16-18 right if not wrong

It's like every morning the first thing waking up is finding cigarettes, take a puff with or without a girl sleeping beside me.

Wah are you ok now though? :( . I never smoked in my life always worried about the damage to my lungs so I didn't bother trying after seeing the disturbing images of what happened to the lungs when smoke too much.

Nah don't worry you wouldn't be able to encourage me to be a smoker. This is something I wouldn't do haha. Hmmm so David is a whiskey addict and retired from smoking? XD

Exactly I don't understand why people are ok with not knowing what happened before they knock out or do random things while being wasted xD. my friend told me stories how he curse people and stuff when he totally drunk and do crazy things even told me stories of police raid and him running for it. crazy life

I smoked for about 30 years. I do drink a lot due to job requirement, but I have never really enjoying it. I have no addiction to alcohol at all. I wouldn't think of drinking if not for work. Therefore, after I have stopped smoking a couple of years ago, I decided to cut down my drinking to minimum, even if it's a job requirement. I now will find excuse to escape from work related drinking session. I can sit head to head to another drinker and I don't mind drinking plain water, but I can't help noticing I wish I can have a cigarette, and to consciously remind myself not to.

Put it this way, I don't need to stop drinking. But I choose to stop drinking because I don't want to think of smoking again, if that makes sense to you 😛

just the time you smoked is already more than my age! Drink a lot for job is like what corporate or u work at club is it? I don't recall if you told me before.

Nah don't go back to the cigarette. I think you doing great. don't get into vaping either that one is just as bad even tho they trying to make that the new meta.

Ya understood. i think stopping all that is good :3. keep yourself healthy. i dont drink or smoke and if i ever drink its cuz of like that rare occasion and its also super small amount negligible.

So when will I see a post from you? I look thru my follower feed cant see u ; ;

I choose who do I read and remember to check back. So, you don't see me "follow" you despite I'm usually the first person to comment on your post when I decided the topic you wrote fits my appetite.

I still do post, but very very rare. I just did a Chinese post, you may skip that 🙂

Oh i just realized I never followed you haha . oh no don't worry you don't have to follow me that's free choice haha.

Ya i can't really read chinese. id have to translate your whole post :P. well thankfully i write many different topics which i think is great because I can meet and connect with people with different interests?

I have never been clubbing.. hahah Never gave in to peer pressure because I know I wouldn't like it. I even feel dizzy seeing a walking crowd... how much more if there's loud music and crazy lights. T_T At least, you've tried it and proved to yourself that it isn't for you. :)

O.O maybe u should give it a chance. then your anime husbando shows up somehow who knows O.O

hahaha... I'd rather spend time with my anime husbando at home. xDDD

o.o whos ur anime husbando

Currently, it's Kuroo of Haikyuu! 😎✨


o.o quan zhi gao shou season 3

I haven't watched that... is it Chinese anime?

I also went to a club only one time. I hated it. Music was loud and the place was crowded with people. I didn't drink anything and soon traveled home.

o.o wow lol who made u go?or u just went by yoruself

I went alone.

oh that sounds sad D: