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RE: I am definitely Not doing it! - Weekend Engagement #153

To me, it's wrong, unforgivable, and dishonorable. Apart from the fact that you do harm just to satiate a moment that will become ephemeral.

You are right but there's still people that do it. I find it wrong but who am I to stop them from how they live their life. I agree with your whole post. Well said on this topic and have a great weekend!


Yep. I really think people are responsible for their actions and we must think twice before doing something that would ruin another person's life. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good weekend!

Yes people should be but some people aren't. The thing about this doing it or not is we can control our actions to stop it so that's the best we can do! We have to be responsible on behalf of these irresponsible people. Your welcome. You have a great weekend too!