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RE: Parade of yachts in the Mediterranean Sea... In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic. #TheLongestTrip // I'm at this moment

Your description of autumn in Turkey, specifically the Antalya region, is enchanting. The gentle temperatures, the calm seas, and the fragrant aromas of flowers all contribute to a truly heavenly experience. Your ability to convey the beauty of the moment through words and images is remarkable.

Your reflections on the people you encountered, from modern Turkish women to those with traditional attire, showcase the diverse and harmonious coexistence in the region. And the Turkish cats that enjoy the seaside, adding to the sense of warmth and unity, is a heartwarming detail.



Yachts are a beautiful sight. Although I, like you, do not like to go on yachts, because I always feel sick there. A red cat on the background of the sea is a very beautiful picture :)