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RE: What my friend taught me about kindness of this world

A friend in need is a friend indeed. I am happy for you that you've got a friend like Sab in your life who you learned a lot from her.
We were so stubborn when we were younger. I know those feelings when we wanted everyone listen to us, that our opinions were the best. Well, I'm more than happy to see myself with growing age, I realize everyone else is as right as me 😁


I couldn't agree more. To protect our ego, we may hurt others by mistakes. During the time staying silence with each other, I had time to think carefully about the situation and realised it is not important to protect my ego any more. Our purpose is to he happy and enjoy together so why not let it go.

I think thanks to this experience, we actually get closer. We know our boundary and what not to cross.

Much !LUV