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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 33: Best or worst

That's right, of course. And without falling into the baddest days that anyone can have like the loss of a loved one. And boy, I've had two very hard and difficult experiences because I've seen two of those loved ones die.

I have remembered a day that lasted more than a day, two years ago one of the main teeth of my upper jaw was broken. One of those big ones that we all have in front of us, well it simply overflowed, that was a very bad day, because it was a hard blow to my personal image, 20 years fell on me and it was something that needed 3 different dentists and 10 arrangements in a span of a year and a lot of money.

Until finally, I found the most expensive dentist but the one who solved the problem, so that day lasted for a year. 😂🤣😭😭😭🤣😂😬


Bad tooth days are never pleasant and I think can easily qualify simply as bad days. 😀