My Busiest Weekend of Eid

"Life is a festival only to the wise."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello everyone. Hope that you all are well and enjoyed your weekends and participated in the prompts of the last weekend. I could not because of Eid. I was very busy in Eid preps this entire weekend. This blog is dedicated to everything that I did during Eid ul Fitr.

On Friday, I had to do some domestic chores because the government had declared that Eid will be on Saturday after keenly looking for Moon in the evening. Islamic Calendar is ascribed to Moon. I had to pick Eid dresses of my family from the tailor and had to pay a visit to the barber for a fresh look. I helped my siblings in dusting and cleaning the house.

The next two days were both joyous and hectic. I had to travel with my father to our ancestral graveyard to pay tribute and prayers for those relatives who have left this mortal world. After that, I instantly went to my house and hugged my mother which, for me, is the most wholesome and beautiful moment this Eid. My mother is a brilliant chef. She had prepared some delicious dishes. Call it a tradition...

Another very wholesome thing about Eid is that we get to meet our relatives and close friends. All the negative feelings and grudges are forgotten and joy is witnessed everywhere. This is a pure bliss. I met my friends who have been with me since our school time. I dedicated some time to meeting my aunts and cousins as well.

I was so elated and excited that I could not be active here and hence missed last week's prompt of weekend engagement. This Eid came with a hectic routine. I am back to business though and will try to be what I love to be. The experience was sublime and I hope that I have done justice in sharing the activities of my weekend.

Thank you for your time and support. Do share your thoughts in the comments section, it means a lot to me and helps me improving my content.

Ps: The pictures are my work.