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RE: Weekend Engagement - My Entry

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 2 years ago (edited)

I can do a lot of funny things to him while he is awake too πŸ˜„
But I'm being a good wife and thinking of his wellness first, I'm still going to keep the Sundays in my spell as long sleep days, you know why 🀣

Thanks for stopping by @tengolotodo

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I am sure that you can do lots of funny things to him when he is asleep or awake😁
What a good wife you are though πŸ‘πŸ‘
Sundays long sleep days, well I presume I know why, yes 🀣🀣🀣

Haha, you got it right πŸ˜‰

haha 🀣🀣🀣 then I hope you fun this morning 😁😁😁