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RE: Got a question for me? A rare AMA with Taraz

I use, which is okay, but not great. Hivetasks doesn't work for me for some reason, but it might for you - if it works, it is pretty good.

I also use a bit as it is simple and loads fast, but there isn't a great deal of info there. I use it more for things like vote mana.

I have a few autos set up on a couple authors, but that is it. I do have a secondary account @babytarazkp, that has all my Hive Engine tokens on it and so it can vote wide, it trails a few curation trails, some curators and myself. It votes about 750 times a week, but it is the easiest way to have the chance of spreading H-E tokens. I don't have the time to manually go through 10+ different token groups voting manually 10x a day. I don't track anything for this account, just let it do its thing and hope it spreads to decent people.