Weekend-Engagement Week 195: My favourite time of the day is...

As someone who has been working from home for several years, managing my time both for work and life is very important. Although I can work flexibly, I try to keep a certain schedule every day even though they're subject to change depending on my other tasks and/or personal stuff to do.

However, when it comes to my typical days, my favorite time would be my me-time especially after work, a few hours before going to bed.


As you can see from my work schedule above, my last class ends at around 12:30AM most of the time, unless I have a morning class (separate from this schedule) the next day. Usually, my morning classes outside this schedule are on Mondays and Saturdays. If I don't have morning classes, I help with the chores at home and other stuff before I start my job at around 2PM.

I take several breaks at work, so I'd have time to rest my voice and stretch because sitting down for a long time is unhealthy. During these breaks, I stretch then do stuff like writing a blog or do things related to blogging *(i.e. drawing, watching anime/movies to review, etc.). This way, my break time can still be productive.

Even though the contents I do for my blogs are related to my hobbies, the only time I don't think about anything else is after work. I do several things for myself by then. I mostly sleep around 2AM, so I have an hour or so to enjoy my me-time.


I do some meditation and write my journal. I write about my feelings of that day... the connections I've made, the tasks I've accomplished and the stuff I want to do the next day. It's just an outlet of the excess emotions I've been building up each day. I try to write as often as I can. It makes me breathe. :)


If I had some unfinished art work earlier that day, I also try to finish it before going to bed. I try not to leave an artwork unfinished overnight as much as possible, because I most likely won't finish it at all. I don't know why, but for some reasons, I reset and end up doing another drawing, instead. I should change this attitude... haha



On some nights, I read either a book or some manga online while listening to my playlists on Spotify. I enjoy my reading time with some music. It's more relaxing that way... and if I'm not reading, I'm watching either anime or some movies on Netflix or other streaming sites.

I like staying in this area in my room. Despite it being my office, I feel the most comfortable here, so I could enjoy my favorite time of my day, my me-time!


And if I feel like staying in bed immediately after I finished work, I just play some mobile games before sleeping. If you play MLBB, add me! hahaha My username and ID are on the screenshot above. xDD

That's it! See you around and enjoy the rest of your weekend! (^^,)/


It's always the me time no, like the time where we can do anything we want, weather spend time on mobiles, play, watch or rest.. same here naman. Mahalaga din pati na naka relax tayo while doing what we want uwu

Yes... I believe it's something we need and deserve to have. Sadly, for some people me-time becomes a privilege instead of a right. xD