Melbourne to Boston: A City Kid's Take on Australia and Australia Day

The Way of The Weekend Warrior.jpg

My personal disclaimer: I took all the photos in which I am not pictured, i.e. the black kid in the barber's chair.

I only moved away from the state I was born in less than a year ago. As an adult, a time would come when I might spread my wings and fly away to another city or state for a job. But life, as with many things, seldom goes as planned. A pandemic shut down the country and economy the year I was supposed to get out of university and land a high-paying gig. I looked around, even hit some interviews, but largely I wasn't successful. Plus, with the presence of a disease that was killing people, the media and government had a field day asking everyone to stay home. So I remained in "the nest" for a year longer than previously planned.

Nothing really changed after the pandemic, save for maybe the sentiment. I think I became scared to leave the house, people became afraid to engage one another without masks, and sneezes and coughs signaled the end of an ongoing conversation or exchange. But my hometown and state still offered some creature comforts I could appreciate.

I could walk down my street, recognize everything, and not lose my way home. In fact, in a such a walkable city like Boston, I didn't own a vehicle. With very little changes to my finances, I still don't have one, but I digress. Given the opportunity to live somewhere as far as Australia, I don't think I'd bite.


Fortunately, no spiders at the barber's.

Between you and me, I'm terrified of spiders. And I heard Australia boasts them liberally. As a matter of fact, I've heard almost anything out there could end your story, if it wanted. I'm alright.

To give you a frame of reference on my arachnophobia, read on. I was browsing for content to discuss last month and saw a nasty rumor. Apparently, this one cosmetic product had the alternative effect of attracting spiders. Needless to say, journalistic excellence and my personal fears did not let me investigate any further.

On top of a fear of spiders, I'd stay near my east coast city of Boston rather than ship out to Australia even for the holiday for other reasons. While I do know this one gentlemen from Melbourne, who we'll call James Dub, I wouldn't go because I'm determined to manifest a business out of the local area before settling abroad very far.

I'll have you know, I'm so rooted in my city, I actually rode back 100 miles with my girlfriend just for a haircut from my barber. To those who might argue that I go too far, you might have a point. Then again, this Dominican man Marino has cut my hair for 10 years now. On my 26th birthday, he gave me another free haircut, which makes two (in-a-row) now.


If you look closely, you can see my two-bit language skills confuse the skilled artisan.

I broke the streak by having him hook me up today. I couldn't start a new job on Monday looking shaggier than Shaggy or Scooby-Doo, now could I?

I mentioned James, the Melbourne man, because I've good reason to go to Australia if I ever do it. He's there. We met on the Gods Unchained scene, while he streamed on Twitch. I was up, waiting for gas fees to decrease while transacting on ETH, so I caught more of his content.

Timezones keep me from the coolest people, unfortunately. Then again, at that point in my life, I wasn't practicing the healthiest habits, like staying up all night watching Twitch streams.

All this brings me to my ideal Australia Day celebration scenario, as prompted this weekend by @galenkp.


The clever call to get my attention came from my girl.

If I were celebrating Australia Day my way, I'd smoke marijuana. It's a peaceable drug, inviting increased appetite and maybe increased lethargy afterwards. Its sensations euphoric, I'd get high as a kite and mellow out with my fellow party goers.

I'd probably go see James, too. He's the kind of stand-up guy who would welcome you into his home. He even invited me to come down, if all this crypto stuff works out. And I'm no tourist. When in Rome, James would say on stream, as he proceeded to play a card and rip whatever he was sipping or puffing on. I'd crank a big ol' can of Foster's which I had the pleasure of trying from a Polish supermarket nearby me. You could imagine my surprise when I learned it's an Australian lager, owned by Asahi, the Japanese brew. That one drinks well, too, if I might say.

So, I want to finish by saying, I might not move to Australia, but I'd visit. I've only got one good friend I'd see down there, my Melbourne man, James. A fellow marijuana enthusiast, I'd probably spend my time down there playing this one track that actually samples Down Under by Men at Work. It's drum & bass, for any of my curious English readers. I hear the DNB scene is heavy out in Bristol, still to this day, considering it has origins out there. Still digressing, but it's tough to take a city kid from his city of choice. Just throw in a global pandemic, economic recession and I might bite.


My glasses are just so snug they impress lines on the sides of my face. Anyone else? Can't wait til I can afford more fitting frames.


A big smile goes out to all my supporters and readers. Thank you.


I hope you find again all those opportunities you missed because of the goddamn covid pandemic, especially when you concluded your university education and would have landed a good paying job. But like you said, life rarely goes as planned and we have to make the best of what we are given as best as we can. I wish you the best in life my friend. I must add that your haircut looks good and the barber did a nice job. Have a great week.

Thank you! I don’t feel I have regrets especially because the pandemic wasn’t something in my control. But, for things in my control, I feel particularly strongly! So I’ll make an effort and see it through for all the times I didn’t!

My barber’s name is Marino! I’ll let him know you like it!

Good to have the same person do your hair, time out to enjoy a chat with familiar face, make lasting friendship even if only when visiting the black chair, mine has been over twenty years no freebies, but always a smile.

Good luck with starting on Monday, hope you get to visit Melbourne soon, spiders won't bother you I'm sure if you don't look for them.

@tipu curate

Thank you! Marino’s certainly a good man, fisher and barber. You’re right; a chance to see him is a chance to take!

Some people go that extra mile to make you feel comfortable.

It is normal to move out of where we were born just to earn a living in other places. Also, you are a good customer to the barber and that is why he has cut your hair twice without collecting money
You both are loyal to each other
You’ve got a cute smile too

You praise me too much! Haha

Marino does make getting my hair cut more of an experience. I’m proud to wear my hair long and shaggy until he can do me the service. I’ll pay him top dollar as much as I can.

Your journey's super inspiring! Can't wait to see how you mix the spirit of Boston with Melbourne's buzz. Also, I hear the spiders aren't THAT bad... or so I tell myself

Oh no… I can’t with spiders. Want to know why? Look up the film Eight Legged Freaks. I forget the year but I saw the trailer when I was kid at night, and nothing’s been the same since. I can still picture that nasty scene where one of them wraps up a man in so much silk.. 😨🫣