A weekend to cherish - family, milestones, and unexpected magic

This weekend was something else. Last week we got together with friends I hadn't seen for a long time, but it was a sad occasion. However, this weekend we gathered with my family for a happy occasion, and I really needed that. On Friday, we celebrated the birthday of my uncle, who turned 50.


Turning 50 in Slovenia is a big deal. I'm not sure if there's another word for this in other countries, but when you turn 50, it means you have reached "Abraham."

I have never delved into why we call this turning point "meeting Abraham" when you reach 50 years old. That's why I decided to do a little research on why exactly this term is used. I don't know why it wasn't clear to me that it comes from the Christian faith. But truthfully? After reading all the information and organizing the data, nothing seemed to match. It seems like there might be a bit of myth-making at play here.
It's difficult for me to believe that reaching 50 automatically qualifies you for a meet-and-greet with Abraham. Even setting aside religious beliefs, the idea of Abraham being 175 years is just fantasy. If I'm struggling to believe his age, it's hard to accept the idea of encountering him at a specific milestone like turning 50. One belief is also that people in those times could only work until they were 50.
So, while reading all these stories, unfortunately for my preconceptions, it is not possible for me to believe in these things.

But I'm not here to write about that, but about my uncle reaching this big milestone.

I couldn't wait to see my beloved Slovenia again, and yes, to see my family. Considering the weather in the last couple of days, I was already worried that it would be cold, but the weather was kind to us. It's really one of the best feelings when I get to the pond, sit, and enjoy the sun. These are the things that give me energy.





First, we gathered all our relatives to present him with a gift. We decided to buy him a bike because we think it's time for him to have an active life, even if he only rides from pub to pub. The intention is important 😉









I don't have to tell you how happy he was, but of course, it was mostly because the whole family had gathered. Small things can make people happy.






When it was getting darker, it was time for me to go home because people were getting more and more drunk, and that is not good for me because they always start to dance like crazy and they want me to dance with them, but when I'm not drunk, I just can’t 😊




So, we left and drove to my hometown to sleep there. And then something amazing happened. I couldn't believe it. I looked in the sky and there it was. The sky was red - an aurora. I started to scream to stop the car, I needed to get out. We parked our car in the fields right beside the forest and stepped outside. I can't describe the feelings I felt when I saw those colors. I just stood there, staring at the sky. I took two photos, and that was it, because I just stared and couldn't move. We were maybe a little late because the colors had already started to disappear, but we still managed to catch a little bit of this beautiful sky. I can't describe the feelings that surrounded me. I got emotional. My friend, do you want to tell us something? Is this your last goodbye? I don't know why, but I waved to the sky and said, "See you there somewhere, someday, and I hope you are better now."


It was really special how this day ended.

The next day was my mother’s birthday. Another day of celebration. And another part of the family that I also hadn't seen for a long time. I'm really glad I have such a big family, and when I see almost all of them in two days, I just think to myself that I can be really grateful that we are still so close, regardless of the fact that we don't see each other a lot. My brother and I took over the cooking and serving so that our mother could enjoy herself, and of course, the intention was to get her a little drunk. Why? Because she can finally relax a little, and of course, when dad drinks a little more, they start dancing like crazy, and there really is nothing better than seeing my parents laughing like crazy and enjoying each other's company. Unfortunately, my father works on the other side of Slovenia, and he is not home during the week, and my mother is alone, and I can see that she always misses him very much, so weekends are even more special for both of them. After 35 years, they are still in love, and there is no better sight than when they start hugging. My father does not like to show emotions, he is always more reserved, but the alcohol takes its toll, and then we finally see his emotional side. I really love them so much.







The evening also ended on a high note.




Being together with my family means a lot to me, and I hope that we will always remain so connected.



The weekend was really perfect. It's raining today, but I like it because I'm sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee and writing. It's true. Little things make me happy too.

I hope your weekend was also nice and maybe you also caught a glimpse of a Aurora.

I wish you a nice week, with a lot of energy and without stress 😉



The memories we make with our family are everything. - Candace Cameron Bure


With love, @tinabrezpike ❤️


I am glad things are working out better for you

You know, it was time for me to start thinking logically and creating content that is interesting for people and connects with the Hive community. I'm really grateful that you gave me advice on how to do that. It's simple but powerful. You gave me a lot to think about my approach to the community, and this is the key. HiveFest will give me an opportunity to do so. Thank you so much.

Fun weekend

You mean it was drunk weekend for some of you 😂

Guilty as charged!

What an amazing place you got there, slowly getting a bit familiar :)
Glad to see you getting better

It's the perfect place for relaxation and for parties, of course. 😊 Maybe someday we can organize a hive party here for people from Slovenia. 🤔
moram se smejati, ampak zgleda, da sem si nabrala nekaj hejterjev ker so mi downvotali post 😂

great that you had a nice weekend. Beautiful photos, the place looks really amazing 😀👍

Thank you ;) Having this place is just amazing! If I need to recharge my energy, this is the place to do it ;)

Happy to hear good news. Happy Belated B-day to your uncle :)

Thank u, good news are all I need in the moment 🙂
