Toast to teamwork: celebrating the year-end with my amazing work colleagues

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)

One year is almost over, and it is once again time for our colleagues to celebrate our successful work throughout the year. Unfortunately, I did not spend much time at work this year, so I was looking forward to seeing all my colleagues again and having fun together. Currently, we are facing a crisis at work due to another outbreak of COVID-19, and many colleagues are on sick leave. However, that did not stop us from celebrating. It was time to party. Despite working on Friday, we were all relaxed and looking forward to the weekend. Although the work is challenging, we always find ways to make it easier by engaging in silly activities and trying to bring laughter to the residents. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the elderly brings us happiness and reassurance that we are doing a good job.




On Saturday, our party took place in a small village where our elderly home is located. Above the village, there is a beautiful hill with a church, and next to it is a traditional Austrian inn where we held the party. Our boss gave a speech, expressing gratitude for our dedication during difficult times and for maintaining a positive energy at work. This was followed by an excellent dinner featuring the best Austrian dishes, such as Wiener Schnitzel with pommes frites and Apfelstrudel. This is a thin, breaded, pan-fried veal cutlet and an apple roll is a puffed dough pastry filled with an apple filling. Did you ever try this? No? Then is time to try it.



After enjoying a satisfying meal, it was time to start the party. Since it was the weekend and most of us had the next day off, we were able to truly have fun. Of course, alcohol was involved, and it was astonishing to witness how certain colleagues behaved when they were drunk. This side of their personality is not visible in the office, so it was even more surprising to see their transformation when under the influence. Colleagues whom I have known for a long time have shown me their drunk side before, but some of the new team members who joined this year really surprised me. It was interesting to see how quiet and hardworking they are at work, and how they completely change when alcohol is involved. I haven't laughed as hard as I did this weekend in a long time.




There was an abundance of positive energy around me, which I truly needed. Music, dancing, and singing were essential components of the celebration. We were so loud, and it was fortunate that there were no nearby houses, as I can only imagine what people would think. Then it was the turn of the Slovenians and our music. After working together with the Austrians for many years, we have already taught them the lyrics of certain songs. When they sing along with us, it brings me to tears of laughter. Regardless of their pronunciation of Slovenian words, it's heartwarming to hear their efforts to sing with us. I must admit that dancing tired me out more than the previous day's work. It's evident that I haven't been to a party where I danced in a long time. My legs are still sore, and I'm unsure how I'll manage to work tomorrow. We had an amazing time, and I cherish these moments, especially because I have incredible colleagues who support and encourage me, regardless of the length of my sick leave and absence from work. Their support is crucial to me, as there are unfortunately people who doubt my illness and accuse me of lying. I'm grateful to everyone who defends me and understands what I'm going through. We truly had a wonderful time, and the best part was when we stepped outside to find everything covered in beautiful white snowfall. What more could we ask for? The night ended perfectly.





It is true that at times, many of us feel like giving up due to the challenges and the decreasing number of people in our profession. However, those of us who remain are still making an effort, and it becomes easier when we have such supportive colleagues who are always there to help. We come together and support each other when there aren't enough of us. This weekend, we once again demonstrated that we are a great team.



I never face Monday morning blues because of fun colleagues like you. Thank you! - Unknown

With love, @tinabrezpike❤️


What a beautiful team you show, you can see that you are very united and sharing the highs and lows of each one of you makes you great.

Definitely when we are in the middle of the week, you want the weekend fast, to enjoy a drink, a coffee and enjoy a without anecdotes that enriches us and helps us to be better every day, under the tone of a good song and dances. jiji can not be left behind.

God bless you.