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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 25: Your phone photo

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 3 years ago

Hahaaa ...You are fun πŸ˜ƒ, but damn Covid-19 + storms...raining 45 days in row make me so moody but her beautiful smile just lightens me 😊. The grandma carry firewood and some stuffs that she havested from her field in the mountains then uses it to cook (they are not using Gas stove or Electricity to cook) & warm up (the weather there is cold when the night comes). Your right " it's people like this that often look the happiest and carefree in life, just earn enough from doing cultivation but happy " not like people in the bustling city or some around me always stressful with money & business πŸ˜ƒ
Peace of mind. πŸ™‚


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Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

This picture is cool, a nice little cook fire! The dish the fire is in, is that fired clay or steel? I can't tell. Great idea for a little contained cook fire though!

Thanks Galen, that's really cute. The dish the fire is steel. My Mom used fire to cook in the past, I remember like more than 20 years ago but then life got better and we all used eletricity or Gas stove years later. I am a bit surprise when seeing those are still used nowadays.

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

I love cooking on fire and I do it as often as I can, when out hunting and camping I guess mainly though. Sometimes at home as I have a fire pit.

Aww its nice to have a fire on during out hunting or camping. ☺️🀩

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

I like fire...I think it's something to do with me being a caveman at heart. A caveman trapped in the modern era.

There is just something about cooking over a fire that just makes food taste better. That is a great looking fire and a wonderful photo too.

I agree 😊, the taste so much better & more delicious cooke by fired. I'm glad you like the photo too, simple but beautiful aye πŸ™‚

It's usually that gets smoked and smoke make stuff taste better. Ha, ha, ha.

he, he, he πŸ˜ƒ
