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RE: Max, the pet who hypnotizes me with his eyes - WEEK 180

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

Indeed, Max is a lucky guy, by the way, my wife keeps nagging me to set up a shelter for stray dogs, but for now the financial effort is very high for us, but in the future you never know.
Max is not a dog of a certain breed, as you wrote he is a crossbreed.


Aww, man, that would be awesome! I mean the idea with a shelter. In fact, there is an amazing person here on Hive who runs a shelter for stray, abandoned and injured animals on her own right in her house. Her previous profile was stolen so now she uses this one: @torem-di-torem. I know that at one point, she was taking care of more than 100 animals. On her own. Incredible. Would be amazing if you could run such a shelter too but I can imagine it takes a lot of funds to start something like that.