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RE: Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies.

Lol, well I chose the opposite.
But you make some very fine points, ones I didn't really think of.
As a child of course I told lies, I think its easier now as a adult not to.
But really as you're so good with the lies, perhaps what you're saying is not as it seems. Xxxxx


Hahahaha, nobody will ever trust me again! Like much of what I write, it was done with my tongue firmly in my cheek.

Like much of what I write, it was done with my tongue firmly in my cheek.


Ah Milly, At last you're lost for words:)

😆 It was a funny read. I was cracking up last night 🤣

I did have fun writing it but I fear sometimes that people take me much too seriously. I hope you slept well!

Haha! What you wrote is what topics like that are for. I enjoyed it, but I was up way too late to comment... and the burst of laughter that I got from reading this, probably tapped into my reserve energy and had me going far longer than I should have.

What you said about riding on the one-way is something that I'll remember, should I ever get stopped by the authorities when or should I say "if" I'm breaking any rules? 🤣

Your delivery of the jokes was ace 🤣👏