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RE: Intenses looks

Of course, sometimes it's hard to be sure right away. It has happened to me a few times that guys have been confused because they think I like them, just because I treat them well and they think I want something more. I don't blame some, I'm clumsy too when I try to seduce someone, that's why I like it when everything is mutual, it's easier although it's still an interesting and very nice challenge.


Guys can do that at times, I'm not sure if it's hope, wishful thinking or stupidity. It happens though, and is mostly harmless I guess.

I think it's mostly harmless, I suppose too, although when I was a teenager a guy started waiting for me after work and once phoned the office to ask for me during work hours. I hadn't even given him the number, he just looked it up on the web. I even got a reprimand from the manager through no fault of my own. I had already made it clear to this guy that I wasn't interested but because I was nice at first, just that, I'm sure that's all it was, he thought I was playing hard to get. The guy was quickly becoming obsessive.

One day, another supervisor helped me out the back door and told me that the guy had been waiting outside with flowers for several hours. The supervisor approached him and asked if he was waiting for someone, he said for me and he replied that he had been out for hours. The guy was puzzled, but fortunately I never saw him again.

People certainly become obsessive at times and it can be somewhat confronting whether it's happening to a guy or girl. They made a movie about it once, Fatal Attraction, which is where the term bunny boiler came from. Maybe you might not get the reference though.

I'm glad it worked out with that guy, meaning he disappeared and it don't escalate in a bad way.

Certainly, both men and women can be victims of harassment, which can be a real problem for the one being harassed. In the case I mentioned, good thing the guy realized early on that I wasn't really interested and made himself scarce, he was just a teenager, maybe it was just inexperience on his part.

As for the movie, I knew its title. Now, I just watched a scene via YouTube and I'm sure I'll end up watching the whole thing soon, I found it intriguing.

he was just a teenager

Now I feel sorry for the little bugger. 🙂

Yeah, she boils up the rabbit (bunny) in the pot for some reason, attention, to inspire fear...It's an interesting movie...The guy does the wrong thing and pays the price...and it gave life to the term "bunny boiler."

Now I feel sorry for the little bugger


I definitely want to see that movie, I'm going to see it. It must be desperate and a bit dangerous to fall into a "bunny boiler."

Let me know what you thought of it when you see it.