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RE: My perfect weekend at the Kompas Hotel in Kranjska Gora


Yeah it's a special place with amazing scenery surrounded with one of the highest mountains in sLOVEnia <3

You got me thinking, as a nature lover and a person that used to enjoy jumping in ice cold Soča, while adapting to my new normal, that hotel and it's inside pool with the view's, you got me thinking to maybe plan a trip up there as well.

It's been years since I actually been up there and stopped

So happy to see you enjoying in view's, journey's and some delicious Kranjska's sausages :)
Thank you for sharing! Rawr!


Kranjska gora is amazing. It is always a pleasure for me to visit beautiful Slovenia and when I return home I am always so sad that I want to move to a Slovenian village and live there in beautiful nature for the rest of my life. 😊 When I returned home, a terrible tragedy happened in my country, which makes me want to leave even more. Greetings!🤗

I try to focus on improving myself, instead of worrying about the world, others and tragedies, because nothing is granted, not even tomorrow, writing down gratitude for every day
One thing about the country is also being really safe one to live, travel too, there isn't actually an animal that wants to harm you, nor a street you should avoid, thats another thing I remind myself actively to be grateful for

Have a great day miss!