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RE: A Watermelon Weekend

Aw man, I'm jealous. Watermelon is my favourite food; it ranks even higher than coffee.

My personal efforts at watermelon have always failed. Always. I might try again next year with some new ideas I have. Maybe. But... my pumpkin vine is growing almost out of control. I'm loving that!


Ha ha ha… Funny thing is we never have luck growing pumpkins! Watermelon no problem pumpkins we suck at it. So what we'll have to do is trade watermelon for pumpkins LOL. Can't wait to see your Punkin pictures and there's pumpkins come to fruition. It's always cool to be able to grow something from seed and it produce some thing. Nature at its best!

I like watermelon if it’s really cold. Other than that it is a little bit watery and I like the dense fruits better. I should’ve grown cantaloupe that would’ve been more up my alley but I’ve never had much luck growing those either.