After months of hot weather, the long wait is over. We are starting to experience a rain shower.

Image created using CANVA.

Here in the Philippines, the temperature of our weather has become hot. Every time that I go out, I feel like a roasting chicken—Oh! Erase! Erase that! Correction, Lechon Pig. The only thing missing is that I bite into the red apple. Well, there's still some air when we go out, but the air is like a hair blower because it's also hot. Every time that I go take a shower because it's hot, when I go out after I take a bath, in less than a few minutes, I am sweating again. That's how irritating and uncomfortable it has been in our country in recent months. But! Even if the temperatures reach 50°C, you can't stop the Filipinos from eating hot soup; they drink a lot of coffee, especially at noon. They also wear jackets when they go out (kojic is life, but sunscreen is life too).

Of course, we are excited in the summer because we also need a vacation to bond with our family at the beach or travel around. Taking a break from stressful and depressing surroundings. But as time goes on, it seems to be more and more hard and painful when the weather is too hot.

The hot weather is affecting the health of many people, especially the elderly, so I always remind my grandparents to drink a lot of water. The workers who are working outside, such as delivery riders, construction workers, guards, etc. Not just us humans—but, of course, the animals too.

Bill and Judith are also waving. Last month, our electric bill was almost four digits. Even though we are not using an electric fan that much because we have a lot of trees around, we also have a hammock under those trees where we can hang out. What's worst is that the supply of water inside and outside of our area is almost about to disappear.

So, there's not a single day that I never wish to rain in our area again. I did a lot of rituals, like singing, every day. like joking that if your voice is out of tune or your voice is ugly when you sing, it will rain. lol 😆

I'm so desperate to make it rain in our area because I am tired of the hot weather now. It's very uncomfortable, you know. It's also so hot even at night that I can't sleep properly, though my electric fan's air is on level 3.

For today's Saturday weekend, I was surprised when the thing that I have been wishing for and hoping for every day is now here. I am so happy because, finally! The sky is dark, and it's about to rain.


The cold breeze touched my skin, and I could feel the freshness. That's it! That is what I am longing for—for the past few months, we have experienced hot weather.


After a few seconds, I hear the familiar sounds from our roof. The rainfall started, and I missed hearing those sounds. There's also a little thunder outside, but that doesn't scare me. I was enjoying the cold weather. It feels like we have air conditioning inside our house.


I let the window in our kitchen open and welcomed the cold air that was coming from outside because who knows if the weather tomorrow will be hot again?

And while it's raining outside,

I decided to tease my youngest cat. He was Fuego and Orange's son.

His tail is just small and rare to cats who were born with a long tail, and my grandma said that a cat like this is luck in our lives.

I feel tired because of his attitude. He doesn't want to play with me. So, I decided to cook something to celebrate and welcome the rain. It's time for me to relax and enjoy the cold weather. It's very comfortable now. There's no sweat on my forehead and back, especially on my underarms and private area. Char


I cooked a popular noodle that some Koreans eat, samyang carbonara, with Yoppoki Tteokbokki, and I also like to try to pair it with paper seaweed. Actually, I was influenced by the tiktoker, who always films herself eating those. So I decided to buy this to see if it's really that delicious, though it's spicy. Actually, I am not good at eating spicy food. My stomach doesn't want to eat spicy food, but I want to try it to see if I can get used to it.

Here I am, enjoying the weather while eating spicy noodles while watching a horror movie.

When I tasted a small portion of it at first, I could taste the spiciness, and because the flavor is carbonara, I could also taste it creamy. It's just sad because I couldn't add sterilized milk and cheese so it would be more cheesy and creamy. When I pair it with the seaweed paper, I can't taste the spiciness of the noodles. It's a balanced taste of salt and sweetness because of the Tteokbokki sauce that I added.

After I finished eating and watching a horror movie, I decided to sit on our sofa in our living room because our window there was big. The rain stopped already, but there's still a cold wind coming inside, which is why I decided to sit here while typing this blog of mine for today.


I'm also enjoying my hot black coffee from Japan (thanks to @wittyzell) right now while using the mug that I received from @cindee08 when I attended the hiveph meet-up last week of April.

Well, I was thinking right now about tomorrow's special event, as I don't know what we will do to celebrate Mother's Day. In advance, happy Mother's Day to all mothers! I don't know if we will celebrate it, but I was looking forward to reading some blogs about your Mother's Day celebration here on this weekend experience community. Hehe


On today's Saturday of this week, I enjoyed the cold weather from the rain after a few months of experiencing hot weather. I am glad because God heard my prayer to rain again because we are afraid that our water will disappear in our area. I hope that this will continue in the next few days.

Published by: @xanreo
Date: May 11, 2024


It was really hot and now at least we are experiencing rain showers in some parts of the Philippines. Rainy season is coming and I hope no strong typhoons in the ber months.

Rainy season is coming and I hope no strong typhoons in the ber months.

Well...I think that was impossible to happen. Sometimes we also need typhoons so we can able to have more water supplies.

What I mean, there would be typhoons but I am hoping that it would not be strong to cause a lot of damage.

Sorry, and yes! especially now that the prices of goods always increase. When we experience a big typhoon, it's hard to get back up after a lot of damage.

I am constantly wishing and hoping for rain to come 😓😓😓

Why? There's no rain yet in your area?

Yesss, it's still so sunny here huhu

Hurray for the rain, finally no. Kapag talaga naka experience ng hot weather in a long time talagang mapapahiling ka ng ulan, aigooo. Same here we are finally blessed with rain ✨✨❤️.

Anyways, that korean combo with cheese, I also want to try that, dami kong nakikitang vlogger na nagtatry ng ganito, kaso even if I try diko naman malalasahan saduuuu huhu

Trueeee ate ropa 🥰

Ay baket dimo malalasahan yung pagkain na yon ate? Masarap naman. Maanghang lang 😂

I am always hoping for the rain Ma'am @xanreo because a lot of fruit trees and vegetables are dying in my village due to the heat index that we have right now and I feel so pity to the farmers especially those who live far away from the water source. The harvest in the farm is only their source of income.

That's true. Even here, they cannot plant some rice grains right now because of the hot weather. We really prayed that we could have rain in the next few months. Wala na din kami tanim na gulay kasi sobrang init, nasisira sila. :<