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RE: Cookie Cutter Creators

I think you have things right and that sounds like a busy weekend to me.

As we wrangle our professional lives to match the life we envision for ourselves, We are probably programmed to recognize moments of sub, optimal productivity. Spending our days stacking task on task of physical and social labour usually puts me in a mindset to enjoy a very quiet weekend. With a social activity of physical labor, gone into support the household, and a heartwarming tradition for a young one sounds like the holy trinity really.

It takes a little bit of parenting and luck to be able to get someone of that age to not bite on all the distractions that we as adults have a tough time battling. by the looks of things you did a pretty damn good job. That creative connection with the fact that she is creating food and it makes it extra special. Being a few years ahead of you along that path I would highly recommend encouraging the kids to take cooking classes in high school. She will probably get a good mark from her previous experience, will hone a good survival skill, and she will come home with some tasty food to share with the family that you won’t have to cook yourself.

Here’s to a triumphant weekend, downtime, and all.


With a social activity of physical labor, gone into support the household, and a heartwarming tradition for a young one sounds like the holy trinity really.

An interesting way to look at it!

Is Home economics are normal class there? When I was in high school, we had to do it for a couple of years. I enjoyed the classes a lot, but I have been preparing food for myself since I was 7 or 8, otherwise I didn't eat. As you said, a survival skill - I won't win any culinary awards.

Did you have a good one?

It seems the gym, home ec and other classes have been broken out into Cooking class, weight training and more focused curriculums. Seems to me my little ones are coming home with better foods than I brought home from home ec.