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RE: [WE99] Weekend-Engagement Friday blog prompts - Broken hearts, bullying and toxicity.

in Weekend Experiences • 2 years ago

Three months later I was already pregnant by him.

Wait what?... Is that a mistake or😂

What a very enlightening and wholesome post you have written dear bud. Honestly, I too can relate with that Toxicity you have mentioned. I had a friend like that. It's sucks but you're advise to the issue is very valid.

Awn... Looks like you had a rough patch when it came to romance in the early stage of your life but uh... I guess it was all worth it now that you have your immortal beloved with you. Congratulations! I wish y'all the best.


Thank you for commenting. Well yes, there are some things that happen to us and I think we have to learn from them, and well, if this girl was already with someone else at the same time as me, I didn't know it. In spite of the sad moments, you have to know how to overcome, she was definitely not the right one. As for toxic people, it is difficult not to run into them, you have to know how to handle yourself internally, breathe and take a personal decision that prevents you from falling into their games. Greetings!