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RE: What language do I learn first?

in Programming & Dev2 years ago

Oh wow, thank you soo much for all the great advice you've shared here.

The most popular around here happens to be Javascript so I think it's a good entry point as It'll be easier to get assistance

In my case, I code daily and use HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, GDScript, CFML, SQL, Bash and C++ primarily and tinker with various other languages - it keeps things fresh, interesting.

Wow that's a lot, I wonder how long it took to master all these languages.

.And I'm not kidding here when I say that "A Massive, Social 3D Decentralized Network" as your goal sounds about right, or something like that. Or "A realtime graphical financial market analysis tool"

Hehe, these are quite hefty projects. I think I have to start first before setting my goal, I'll try not to go too low though.

Oh, and most importantly, if you're not having fun coding, swicth things up - your language(s), editor, OS... you can never learn too much.

I'll definitely have this at the back of my mind. Thanks a lot once again



You're very welcome. As for how long it took to master all these languages: I wouldn't consider myself a master of any, just get better each day. I try to refrain from sounding like an old fart, but wrote my first program in COBOL on punch cards on a Burroughs mainframe. Seems the more I know, the more I don't know lol.

Your goal should be big and wonderful, but it's tiny steps that all add up. It's totally fine to start with printing "Hello World" to the console, then say, "Hmmm.. how about if I make it more dynamic and print the time, then format the time into mm/dd/yyyy, then color the text, then wrap it in an HTML tag... next thing you know, it starts to mold into something you want to use in more than one place and you research how to make a function and call it.. and so on. You get the idea. Don't be discouraged if you only get a tiny bit changed or added - it's persistence that starts paying off big time.

As for deciding on a specific Wow goal, it could even be as simple as "Provide a program or service that allows a user to go paperless... effectively" Sounds easy, mundane, almost pedestrian, but it's insanely hard to do once you consider "effectively" can be the mountain to climb. Wouldn't it be nice if one could pull up a program and see the weather, to do list, be able to retrieve any receipt or document, see their finances, photos and messages. Be able to chat, email and review top stories and discussions, all without having to log into a gazillion different services.

Computers haven't even solved the simplest of problems when you really add the "effectively" keyword. Even for business. Yes, computers can store a massive amount of data, but that reveals an even more dire need to program something that's is truly effective... like this:

It's a Single Page Web App (SPA) that features the familiar desktop feel, including the lower taskbar, but all done in a browser window via HTML, CSS, Javascript for display.

wrote my first program in COBOL on punch cards on a Burroughs mainframe.

You're a veteran in the field. Nice to know that. To still be conversant with all the newer languages means you're very consistent with your learning.

Your goal should be big and wonderful, but it's tiny steps that all add up

Most definitely

it's a Single Page Web App (SPA) that features the familiar desktop feel, including the lower taskbar, but all done in a browser window via HTML, CSS, and Javascript for display.

Wow this is remarkable, it has basically everything one needs, all in a relatively familiar setup for easy access. I'll definitely try something similar when the time comes. As of now I better get learning.