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Speaking of help, @cadawg, sorry to interject here, but I was trying to contact you via Twitter and did not see the DM option.
I am trying to help a fellow hiver from Venezuela recover access to her hive account. She does not speak English and asked me to help her contact some people who might help.
Nathanmars told us about you and that's why I am reaching out to you here. Let me know if you can help us or give us some pointer as to where to go or what to do.
She was still using her steemit keys and she can actually still access her steemit account, but got blocked out of her hive account

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I would need to know her Hive name so that I can see her recovery account (on Hive) before I can suggest any further action.

Many Thanks,


If it's in regards to then her recovery account is Steem, and therefore, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it.


Many people assumed it was a phishing attack. It was not. She posted them in this comment (another reason why you shouldn't use your master password at any time except for recovery/owner ops):

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thanks for taking the time to respond. That's terrible. You mean she revealed them in a Twitter post?
If you can, please, dm me, @hlezama#3174 we have many questions.
