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RE: The challenge of starting a new development project

Hey! Thanks for the nice and interesting comment!

I thought about using PHP, but in the companies I worked for there is this idea that PHP is inherently insecure. No matter the version, no matter if you thought about it during development. That's why I ruled it out. It would have been difficult to sell the idea to them.

JavaScript, and more specifically Typescript, is interesting for me as I'll have only one language for both front and back ends. I do also have a VSCode extension under development and it's typescript too.

I don't have enough free time to invest in different languages, so it's an obvious choice.


Ahh ok. I thought the app may be a project for yourself or your own company. It's important to have the companies you provide to, fully backing the technologies you choose.

Can't go wrong with JS front and back. Me personally though, I liked it but never loved working in it. But, that's for my own projects :)

Great chat!

To be precise, it's a project I hope to be able to monetize one way or another.
Worst case scenario, I'll learn stuff and make it free ^^